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Who Is Katherine Chandler?

Well, personality-wise I am a seven wing eight on the enneagram if that helps you.

For the other ninety percent of you that don’t identify yourselves with a number and wing (whatever that is) I would like to consider myself somewhat simplistic (at least I try to be).

Growing up in East Tennessee, in the eyes of most, I have little experience in life, but I have been blessed to consistently receive wisdom, council, and godly-advice from numerous people.

My life might seem pretty basic on paper, lacking excitement, but on my best days, I try to look past the daily mundane and venture into spontaneity to find content moments that are filled with true joy.

And on the worst days, I have a Savior that wraps me up in unconditional love and grace, which I think is pretty cool.

My prayer is that this blog is a place for me to voice my thoughts and ideas about what the Lord is teaching me.

Knowing me, most likely this will be a vulnerable place because sometimes life is not so pretty.

We are all in desperate need of a Savior.

You are welcome to come along for the ride, I don’t promise perfection, but I promise authenticity.

-Katherine Chandler 

5 responses to “About Me”

  1. Katherine, This Mama is in tears. I have read, commented on, prayed over more Racer blogs than I can count the past 18 months or so. Not so long in the span of my life, but I have poured out my heart and worn out my knees on behalf of Gap Z and then Gap C and a few others sprinkled in there because the Lord put them in my path. And now my heart is full to the brim to know that you have also chosen to think outside the box, walk a “different from traditional” path after high school, and run with all you’ve got after Jesus and what the Lord is calling you to do, to be, to pursue. Here is your very own WRGY blog – congratulations! It is my honor to intercede on behalf of you and all those the Lord brings to “WRGY, Route 2, September, 2021.”

    Your brief introduction of yourself is beautiful, simple. I know you to be a much more complex young lady than what any length or depth of blog could ever reveal. I am beyond blessed and proud to be your Mama. If God lined up all the 18 year-old, nearly high-school graduates in the whole world and told me I could pick just one, only one, to have as my own, I’d pick YOU, hands down, every time. I love you and can’t wait to “come along for the ride.” Lord willing, what a journey it will continue to be.

  2. Well said by your sweet Mama??I agree that the Jesus adventure is the BEST adventure and I have seen it in your eyes ever since that fire building in the woods?? I know you have everything it takes thru Jesus to impact the world and have a life well spent. I can’t wait to watch this next year unfold…and as always, come see me!!

  3. katherine !!! yes !!!! I might be a little biased, but Gap Year is hands down the best thing that the Lord has brought me through. so excited for you to walk even deeper into authenticity and realizations of just how deep and wide the Father’s love for us is!!! i’m in your corner rooting for you the whole way!!!

  4. Sweet Katherine…this is absolutely beautiful! I have known and loved your mom and dad for roughly 30 years (which is hard to believe because we all haven’t aged a bit :-)) I can see where you got your amazing love for God…you have turned into a beautiful young woman inside and out! I am so proud of you. I can’t wait to see all the places God takes you! Love YOU!!!